Quantity Claiming

This topic covers how to claim component quantities in the InEight Plan application.

Process for claiming quantities

Quantities can be claimed in Control, Plan or Progress. There are reasons to claim in each of the different modules, but this lesson will focus on claiming in Plan. Since labor and material are expensed in the field, quantity for activities and materials can be claimed during the daily planning process of InEight Progress. This allows foremen to select (not calculate) the work they completed during the shift while filling out the time sheet at the end of the day, and it is reviewed by field engineers or superintendents before final quantities are approved. Sometimes, claiming in this fashion is not accurate and what was originally claimed needs to be revised. To manage claiming quantities without having to create daily plans, it is important to understand how to use the Quantity Tracking module of Plan.

Why claim at a component level?

Claiming directly in the Quantity Tracking module of Plan is different than claiming in the Control module. In Quantity tracking, claims are made at the component level. This is more specific than claiming in Control at the WBS level. For example, suppose a WBS cost item has a quantity of 200 tons of steel. If 20 tons are erected so far, how would you know which specific pieces make up that 20 tons? How could you audit this claiming?

Direct labor and material codes should be claimed at the component level in the interest of transparency. Completed component quantities roll up into the WBS completed quantity. To enable quantities to be claimed in Plan, the cost item must have the Hide in Plan/Progress box unchecked within InEight Control and at least one component for that cost item must exist in Plan.

If two users concurrently are trying to claim quantities for the same component, the following error message will prompt them to refresh the page. 

Claiming in the Standard Grid View

In the following Step by Step you will claim quantities in the Standard Grid view via the Edit component slide out panel.

Claiming is ideally done in the data block view, which lets you focus on only the information needed for claiming.

Quantity Claiming (Standard Grid View)

  1. Navigate to the Quantity Tracking page and select the View As button to see your workspace in Standard Grid view.

  2. Find and select the check box to the left of the component you previously created.

  3. Click on the Edit icon to open the component editor slide out panel.

  4. On the Claiming tab, check the box in the Complete column for step one.

  5. Enter an Executor and Approver.

  6. At the bottom of the slide out panel, click Save.

    Select Save to have claimed quantities be added/deducted from your percent complete or to show up in your claiming history report.

    • Notice that the percentage indicator in your component view has changed

    You can also claim a portion of the quantity for a single step by inputting the quantity in the This Period cell.

    To claim in the Plan Quantity Tracking module, the component WBS must have Allow-As-Built set to All or Quantities in InEight Control. See your Control Manager to verify this setting if unable to claim the component.  The same scenario follows for claiming in data blocks.

    Over claim component quantity

    With the applicable permissions, you can overclaim component quantity using the Allow overclaiming of components toggle.

    When the component is claimed over 100%, the toggle is locked in the Global options.

    When the component is complete, the % complete is set to 100.

Claiming in the Data Blocks View

In the following Step by Step you will claim quantities in the Data Blocks view.

Quantity Claiming (Data Blocks View)

  1. Navigate to the Quantity Tracking page and select View As button to see your workspace in Data Blocks view.

  2. Turn on the [your name] filter that you created in Quantity Tracking Lesson 2 – General Navigation using the filter drop-down menu on the right toolbar.

  1. Select the check box in the Complete column of the Step 1 data block for three of the components in your module.

    If the Step 1 data block is not shown, click Manage step columns, and then select the step in the dialog box.

  2. Click the Save button in the upper right of the page.

You can also claim using percentage complete or to-date installed quantity at the component step level.

In data block view, there is an Apply installed quantity to all button at the top of each Step data block. You can use this button to apply an installed quantity to all components in your current view.

You can only apply installed quantity up to 50 components at a time, so you must filter your view first to show only the components you want to apply the installed quantity to.

The following Step by Step shows you how to apply an installed quantity to multiple components.

Step by Step — Apply Installed Quantity to All

  1. Filter your view to show only the components you want to apply an installed quantity to.

  2. Click Apply installed quantity to all.

  3. Enter the install date.

  4. Select either the quantity or percentage options.

  5. Enter a quantity or percentage in the field.

    If you apply a certain amount that exceeds a component’s remaining quantity, all the remaining quantity is installed.

  6. Click Apply.

    The changes are flagged as pending in each row.

  7. Click Save claiming.

You have now claimed multiple items as complete by using the Data Block view. You can use the Standard Grid view and bring in columns for each claiming step to claim in that view also. Some setup is required for this option.